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Being an inpatient with a condition like ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome can be really difficult. The constant sounds, noises and smells are a recipe for sensory overload when just there for an hour, let alone days, weeks or months. I asked our network what tips, tricks and hacks they used when in hospital to ease or minimise sensory input to make the stay more survivable.

Ultimately though, hospital is just a chaotic, noisy, busy, bright place and some of the process is about having tools ready for when you come home to unwind and relax your nervous system as quickly and effectively as possible. I save up what I would have spent on food etc., during my stay and I use it for a session of reflexology or massage after my stay and have a set of foot soaks, bath salts etc. to use when I get home as part of a concerted effort to reduce the overload back to normal.

As an aside, there is also a really useful document here about managing ME/CFS patients in an emergency care setting. I have added sections of it to my paramedics / A&E passport and a full copy in my A&E grab bag alongside my advance directive etc.

But for during a stay, here’s a list:


  • Sunglasses*
  • Cap with a peak
  • (Weighted) eye mask


  • Loop ear plugs*
  • Noice cancelling headphones*
  • Sleep headphones
* were particularly recommended


  • Hospital passport/lanyard expressing need for consideration of light and sound*
  • Closed curtains
  • Weighted blanket/Your own blanket
  • Crochet, fidget toy, stress ball, puzzles or other engrossing activity to focus attention
  • Essential oils roller with favourite/relaxing scents
  • Favourite squash and toast topping for consistent tastes
  • Pillows to ensure you can relax comfortably and fully



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