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Nikki is a chronic illness warrior and one of the project managers on the exercise video project.

What makes you happy? My daughter, my partner and my fur babies, Disney and sunshine

Why did you get involved with Chronically Awesome? I was struggling with my Fibromyalgia a couple of years ago and a colleague sent me a link to the website, I immediately bought a T-Shirt as I was so excited to see something for Chronically awesome people BY chronically awesome people, The positive message I personally got from the website and socials made me want to be a part of it.

What’s a perfect Saturday for you? A nice walk in the nature reserve across from my house with the dogs (sometimes the cat follows) then movies, food, DoleWhips and just relaxing with my family.

Cat or dog?  I am very much a dog person, I  have an 11 year old dog called Ted, a 7 month puppy called Harvey Dent (yes batman) and a manx cat called Neko (who is more dog than the others combined).

Ducks or chickens?  Oh i’ve never had to think about this before, Both?

Chinese or Indian? Chinese

Sunrise or sunset? I love both! Sunrise because the birds in the reserve go crazy and it’s a lovely way to wake up and sunset because it makes the sky look magical.

Listen to music or read a book? I can’t choose between the two, I like to listen to music while I read sometimes.

Favourite season? Autumn, I even have an Autumn themed tattoo on my arm. I love the colours and I love Halloween. It is my absolute favourite time of year.

Favourite time of day? Bedtime mostly HA

Best holiday? I am a Disney Park fan, so my favorite holiday is to Florida, we have family there so visit often which bodes well for my addiction.

Introvert or extrovert? I have always called myself an extroverted introvert, I am a bit of both. Some days I’m painfully introvert and others I am talking to total strangers and making a fool of myself. Keep you on your toes I guess.

Worst habit? Biting the skin around my nails and catastrophizing.

Best quality? Positivity, I like to try and motivate or help to locate the silver lining even if it’s miniscule.

Your inspiration? I have a couple. My dad is an ex soldier who is in a wheelchair, he has never let it stop him! And my daughter was a fighter in utero and is still a badass little lady now 7 years on.



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