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Hospital Inpatient / Long-Stay Bag Must-Haves from Amazon

Tips For Managing (ME/CFS) Sensory Overload in Hospital

Post Laparoscopic (Keyhole) Abdominal Surgery Toolkit

Tips for Attending a Festival with a Central Line / on Parenteral Nutrition

Advance Directive vs. Advance Statement (with Templates)

5 Amazon Purchases That Help Me Sleep with hEDS

Shared Decision Making – Your Rights Explained

Email Signature Ideas

Health Document for Emergencies & Appointments

Inpatient Packing List

CBD Products Tried & Tested

NHS Digital’s Plans for Our Medical Data – What You Need To Know and How To Opt Out

7 Ways to Feel Safer At Home Alone

What I’ve Learned From and About Hypnotherapy (So Far…)

(Other) Ways I Take Care of My Mental Health

9 Houseplant Tips for Chronic Illness Warriors

Resources for Better Sleep Part 2

NICE Ignores Patients’ Concerns by Approving Guidelines On Chronic Primary Pain

Exercise and Endometriosis

Just Another hEDS Story – “All I wanted was him to fight even a little to help my pain”

Reasonable Adjustments At Work – Making Things Fair

Resources for Better Sleep Part 1

5 Tips For Preparing For An Endoscopy

Enter Our Bed Themed Giveaway!

Exercise and Reynauds

Join Us As A Digital Marketing Assistant

5 Things to Know for New CPAP / APAP Users

10 more activities to do at home with your favourite person

Our submission to the NICE shared decision making consultation.

20 Ways to Ask Challenging Questions of Your Doctor

Live Classes Are Here!

New NICE Guidelines on Shared Decision Making: Have Your Say

Coronavirus Posters

Welcome to Chronically Awesome Posters!

Resources for Managing Stress

New NICE Guidelines on Treatment of Chronic Pain – What you need to know

Shop from Chronic Illness Warriors This Christmas

Exercise and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Guest Article for Hysterical Women

Our submission to the NICE chronic primary pain consultation.

New NICE Guidelines on Treatment of Chronic Pain – Have your say

5 Top Tips for if You’re Newly Chronically Ill

Abiding fears

Our top five reusable, eco-friendly face masks

Exercise and Hypermobility

Video Blog: My 5 tips for Exercising with Eczema

90+ Gift Ideas for Chronic Illness Sufferers

Exercise and PoTS / Orthostatic Intolerance

Meet the Team: Mila

Meet the Team: Nikki

Update O’Clock!

Meet the Team!

Get involved and help Chronically Awesome

Write for us

Meet the Team: Hanna

Meet the Team: Dave

Meet the Team: Esther

How can we help?

Survival tips for #shieldinglife

Happy birthday to my hip – reflections on a year with a new hip

Thank you for taking us viral!

Posters for those who are self-isolating as a preventative measure

Our Research: Everything You Told Us

Weighted blankets, reviewed by a complex chronic illness sufferer

10 activities to do out and about with your favourite person

10 activities to do at home with your favourite person

Surviving a hip replacement in your thirties

The power of pre-hab

A guide to preparing and packing for a hip replacement

Respiratory Physiotherapy for PoTS – why it’s useful and what to expect

Does chronic illness give as much as it takes?

Sleep hacks for those of us with chronic illness

What Is Recovery Without Cure?

Are we too busy taking care of ourselves to take time for self-care?

The Story Behind Chronically Awesome

6 Bagel Fillings For A Quick & Easy Meal

5 More Steps To Approaching A Group Exercise Class

What I wish I’d been told when I was first diagnosed

How To Keep Motivated With Chronic Illness

5 Steps To Approaching A Group Exercise Class

Welcome to Chronically Awesome!!

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