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This time last year we wrote two blog posts, 10 activities to do at home with your favourite person and 10 activities to do out and about with your favourite person. This year the latter post isn’t much use so we’ve got 10 more activities to do at home with your favourite person, whether it’s your valentine, galentine, palentine, housemate, parent… you get the picture.

While our activities are low energy, and don’t involve big meals, we hope you’ll agree that they still make for a special day.

Macarons are pretty easy to make if you have an electric mixer and are fun to eat. If you split the base mix you can make different flavours without too much more effort, and they last well in the fridge.
If you want to maximise the enjoyment you get from them, you could make an afternoon tea around your fancy creations, or bag them up and deliver them to the doorsteps of friends (socially distanced of course) on your daily exercise outing.

Escape rooms are all the rage at the moment, and you can do them from home. We really enjoyed playing Time Trap’s online rooms, which have the added bonus that you can invite friends to play with you, and you can all play together in the same game, moving pieces etc. together. Another great options are the EXiT games that come in boxes for around £10 each. In each EXiT game, your team starts out locked in an imaginary room, or trapped somewhere. You must solve a series of riddles and puzzles in order to unlock doors and reveal new riddles. Each correct solution brings you to another riddle and eventually to freedom.

Order your favourite products to be delivered, light some candles, put on some calming music and do a facial at home! We like to splash out on Lush products that we’ll then finish off over subsequent days, prolonging the feeling of indulgence. Not sure what products you need? Look up the steps of a facial and then search for products that offer you what you need for each step (e.g. exfoliate, moisturise, cleanse etc.).

Being close to bodies of water, be it rivers, lakes, reservoirs or the sea, is known to be good for our mental health. So if you take your daily exercise near (or in!) a body of water, take a delicious picnic with you and sit in the car facing the water to maximise the time you have to soak in that goodness. If it’s a chilly day, take hot water bottles, blankets and flasks of tea to keep warm. If you’re near the sea, you could even pick up some fish and chips and eat them in the car overlooking the water.

Once we’re allowed to, pack the car up with warm blankets and hot chocolate and head out to the darkness of the countryside on a clear night to star gaze from the warmth of your car. Take some music, or sit in silence as a form of meditation.

We all deserve a holiday after this, so why not crack out scissors and glue and get planning with a holiday mood board or even a scrapbook style planner? Do you want to sit on a beach, or hit the mountains? Do you want to stay in the UK or get far far away? Immerse yourself even further in the experience by eating and drinking the food and drinks of the country you’re dreaming of, and listening to their music too.

Pick a food or drink you like (and that agrees with you) and turn it into a tasting evening. Could be cheese, charcuterie, chips, chocolate biscuits, tonic water… anything that has more than one type available! Go fancy by writing tasting notes so you can rate them at the end, or just enjoy scoffing lots of varieties of your favourite food or drink.

Take time to create a playlist of music you love and that you think the other person will love too. Sit together to listen to the playlists sharing an appreciation of the music and the time and thought it took to put it together. If you’ve got the energy, have a little dance party too!

Everyone has a favourite series, be it West Wing, Grey’s Anatomy, Schitt’s Creek, The Wire… Whatever your favourite series it, watch it again, right from the beginning. Get the popcorn in to binge watch episodes over a weekend, or take your time with an episode a night over several weeks. Whichever your approach, have it as something to look forward to, no matter how much of a guilty pleasure it is.

Do one of our classes together! You can either do one of our live classes (our Friday lunchtime Stretch and Relax classes are lush to do together), or browse through our pre-recorded videos to find one that suits what you’re both after.

Find our live classes at
Find our pre-recorded videos on Patreon at



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