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In our article titled “5 Steps To Approaching A Group Exercise Class” we gave you tips like arriving early to talk to the instructor about your questions and limitations, and building up to a full class. Here are 5 more tips for approaching a class, because the first 5 just weren’t enough!

Try anything once and remember the first time is the hardest

If you’re not sure about a class, give it a go! There’s no harm in trying: if the class isn’t working for you, there’s nothing stopping you leaving early or not going to it again in future. Do remember that the first class is the hardest though – you don’t know what the moves are, what the right weights are for you, or how to ration your energy to get to the end of the class. So go easy on yourself. And if you’re not sure about a class at the end, try it a second time!


Most people are so focused on themselves that they won’t be looking at you!

If you ask someone after most classes who they were stood next to, they likely won’t be able to tell you unless it was someone they knew. Just like you, they are in that class for their own benefit, and they will be focused on the instructor and themselves, trying to get the best workout they can. So don’t worry about other people judging you, they won’t be. They’re too focused on themselves!


Congratulate yourself for turning up

You made it! Despite all the barriers you faced and even if you’re tired and have your t-shirt on inside out (that may or may not have been me yesterday!) – you’ve made it to class, and that’s something you should congratulate yourself for. Even if you take it easy while you’re in class, the fact that you turned up and did something for yourself is an achievement in itself – give yourself a pat on the back!


Get to know people

Don’t be afraid to say ‘hi’ to people in your classes. If you attend the same ones each week it’s likely you’ll get to know some faces, and if you get there early you’ll inevitably start chatting in the queue waiting to go in. Before you know it, you’ll be following each other on Instagram and arranging to have coffee after class!


Celebrate your successes!

Even the smallest successes should be celebrated. Went heavier in a weights class? Nice! Got into that yoga pose you’ve been working on? Amazing! Managed to attend all the classes you’d plan to go to that week? Well done you! Fitting into those jeans? Hooray! Make sure you celebrate those successes because that high you get from seeing progress and change will spur you on to even greater success!



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